Bound Souls The Beginning


Since the beginning of time each soul that has walked the earth was bound to its mate... but as the years went on an evil named Samiel appeared. Samiel has severed every pair of bound souls but one, as each pair of bound souls was severed the world became weaker and more undestined. Once the last pair of bound souls is severed Samiel will rule the world. If Samiel succeeds the world will become a hellish place ran by the evilest of evil. The only thing standing in Samiel's way is the last and strongest pair of bounds souls, Katherine Campbell and Jacob Jefferson.

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Product Details

ISBN: 9781304750556
Copyright: Joshua Ryan Donley
​(Standard Copyright License)
​Edition:Book Two
​Publisher: Joshua Ryan Donley
​Published: January 14, 2014 
​Language: English
​Pages: 212
​Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
​Interior Ink: Black & white
​Weight: 0.82 lbs.
​Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall
The battle continues as Jacob is awakened from his amnesia by the daughter of Molly Burrows after seventy years of mental torture. Jacob must now protect Robert Wesley, who is to be the grandfather of Katherine’s unborn soul. Join Jacob as he is reunited with old friends, battles new evil beings and learns of realms he never knew existed. The world has changed, leaving Jacob vulnerable and confused.

With some help from his friends and some new acquaintances, Jacob fights to protect Robert Wesley while trying to find Violet Casten, the young woman who will be Katherine’s grandmother. With so many tasks at hand Jacob feels overwhelmed. Jacob moves forward, dreaming of the day he will see Katherine again, not knowing what Samiel looks like or where he may be. Will he be able to keep Katherine’s chosen family safe while trying to save the world from the evil clutches of Samiel, who has found a new body to inhabit?
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Product Details

ISBN: 9781300289937
Copyright: Joshua Ryan Donley
(Standard Copyright License)
Edition: Book One
Publisher: Joshua Ryan Donley
Published: January 14, 2014
Language: English
Pages: 226
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink: Black & white
Weight: 0.87 lbs.
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall
​​Price on lulu: $2.10​
Price on lulu: $2.10​